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Lesson Policies


For my missed lesson policy with Music & Arts students, please click here.

For my missed lesson policy with FCC students, please click here.



Cancellation by the student



Should you and your child choose to miss a group class, please give me as much advance notice as possible (email is always good).  Unexplained absence from group classes undermines the power of our work and demoralizes other members of the class.  If I can inform the class that your child's absence was caused by an illness, a flat tire, or an annual family trip, the class will understand the absence not as lack of interest or that the absentee is letting them down.  If absences are not explained they appear as an indication of weak commitment.


There are no bill adjustments for missed classes.


Student participation is expected at all scheduled group classes.  Skill development, refined musicianship and recital preparation are goals of these classes.  Additional to faithful participation in all classes, students must participate in at least three of the last four group classes in order to perform the group pieces with his/her class.  Students should expect to perform in the recital only pieces that are well polished and at least two pieces prior to their current lesson piece.



A private lesson missed or canceled at any time by the student for any reason will not be made up, nor will tuition be refunded.  However, students who miss a lesson may pursue the following options:


-Please Email or Call me. If I am notified in a timely manner, usually with atleast 24 hours in advance, I will add your name to a list of students who have missed lessons.  When another student misses a subsequent appointment, I may email/call students from the list to offer the time. There is no guarantee of an opportunity for a make-up lesson.

-Trade lessons times with another student, you may ask about or view my teaching schedule board for the list.



Cancellation by the teacher

Lessons missed or canceled at any time by the teacher for any reason will be made-up in a timely manner.

Lines of Communication

I wish to efficiently answer your questions in a timely and efficient manner. To direct your inquiry most efficiently please use the following guidelines:




Your teacher


While your child may occasionally receive occasional instruction from the parent (assistant teacher), your teacher functions as your primary provider of individual music assistance. Communicate with him if you...


  • ... have questions about HOW or WHAT to practice at home

  • ... have concerns related to your private lessons

  • ... need advice in choosing or maintaining an instrument or other materials

  • ... must cancel a lesson (see guidelines above)

  • ... and another student have decided to permanently trade lesson times

  • ... have questions about how to prepare at home for group class

  • ... have concerns related to your group class

  • ... must miss a group (see cancellation guidelines above)

  • ... have any scheduling question

  • ... would like information about anything mentioned in this handout/website




Following are several means of contact in descending order of preference.


Although you may not receive an immediate response, e-mail permits you to contact me without interrupting the lesson schedule. For non-urgent matters, please use e-mail. All participating families must have access to e-mail, since almost all important studio information will be transmitted this way.


  • Rowell Jao: rjao  at or rjao @


Personal Contact

Whenever possible, inquiries should be directed to me during regularly scheduled sessions such as private lessons, group classes, or parent meetings. If a parent desires a private conversation with his/her private-lesson teacher, the parent should ask the child to wait inside the classroom while the teacher and parent step into the hallway to talk for a few minutes.


If you do not succeed with the above methods, please feel free to place a phone call, maintaining your sensitivity to the time constraints of me receiving the phone call.



Your enrollment in this studio signifies acceptance of the above policies and entire content of this informational website.



© 2017-2018 by Rowell Jao. All rights reserved.

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