Rowell Jao
About Me

Rowell Jao
Recieved his M.M. in Violin Pedagogy, M.M. and B.M. in Violin Performance from Shenandoah Conservatory of Music, Certificate in Teaching the Violin and Viola: Creating a Healthy Foundation from Northwestern University, and is a Graduate from the Governor’s School for the Arts in VA. Studied with Dr. Olivia Hajioff and Dr. Marc Ramirez - the marcolivia duo, Akemi Takayama and Doris Lederer - from the Audubon Quartet.
Rowell is a qualified Suzuki Violin teacher, a member of the Suzuki Association of the Americas and the Suzuki Association of the Greater Washington Area. Received Suzuki Violin teacher training from The Greater Washington Suzuki Institute with Ronda Cole, The Ithaca College Suzuki Institute with Edward Kreitman and Kimberly Meier-Sims, the Colorado Suzuki Institute with Sherry Cadow and Mark Bjork, as well as completing the Suzuki Principles in Action (SPA) course with Teri Einfeldt.
Rowell has an extensive performance history, a thriving music studio, and atleast 10 years of teaching experience with students of all ages and skill levels from very young children to adults. Teaches violin and viola.